
Monday, August 01, 2005

Now You Can Customize GOOGLE NEWS to any topic Under TheSun! 

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I Just Found this On Google! Now You Can Customize your
News Start Page To Any Topic Under the Sun! Check it Out!


A Novel Approach to News Google News gathers stories from more than

4,500 news sources in English worldwide, and automatically arranges them to
present the most relevant news first. Topics are updated every 15 minutes, so
you're likely to see new stories each time you check the page. You pick the item
that interests you, then go directly to the site which published the account you
want to read.

Google News is a highly unusual news servicein that our results are compiled solely by computer algorithms, without humanintervention. As a result, news sources are selected without regard to politicalviewpoint or ideology, enabling you to see how different news organizations arereporting the same story. This variety of perspectives and approaches is uniqueamong online news sites, and we consider it essential in helping you stayinformed about the issues that matter most to you. We'll continue to improve Google News byadding sources and fine-tuning our algorithms, and your feedback can help

Customized news:

New! You can build and share your own
customized version of Google News. Customized news allows you to create your own
sections on the Google News front page to focus on, for instance, your favorite
technology, sports team or entertainment. You can also rearrange your sections
and choose which ones to show by mixing and matching any of the sections from
the 22 regional editions of Google News from around the globe.

Read more

Trace story history:

You can trace the history of a topic or monitor an emerging story by clicking
the "sort by date" option in your search results.

Country-specific searching:

Sometimes you want a particular country's perspective on an important issue. Our
advanced search options lets you search over sources from a specific country.

Source-specific searching:

We always try to show multiple perspectives on an issue, but what if, for
instance, you want to find an article you saw a few days ago on CNN? Our
advanced search option lets you restrict your search to specific news sources.

  1. What is customized news?

  2. What's a standard section?

  3. How do I create a custom section?

  4. How do I delete sections?

  5. Can I save a news search as a custom section?

  6. Can I use advanced search options when I search within my custom sections?

  7. I really made a mess of my custom news page. Can I reset it?

  8. How many sections can I create?

  9. Can I create and save multiple custom versions of news pages?

  10. Can I look at my customized Google News pages from different computers?

  11. How does Google News remember my settings?

  12. Why does my customized news keep disappearing?

  13. Do you collect any of my personal information?

  14. What if I have a good idea for improving Google News?

  15. What browser settings are required by customized news?

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