My Dad is Becoming Ill and I do love him very much and am having trouble dealing with him be sick. Please Pray for him!
When people are healthy, happy, and doing well, it is not always easy to cope with them. But when we add bad health and illness to all the other contingencies, it is a wonder that people get along at all.
I don't suppose people who are sick or who have a handicap or who are somehow disadvantaged or damaged like to think of themselves as "difficult" to cope with. Nevertheless, bad health is not only hard on the people who have it but on the people who must deal with it. We are expected to help the sick, those with a handicap, and the disadvantaged by relating to them to the best of our ability.
Suggestion #1 -- Treat people who are sick with sincere sympathy.
Suggestion #2 -- Conform to the limitations of the sick.
Suggestion #3 -- Be encouraging and optimistic.
Suggestion #4 -- Don't "catch" another person's illness.
Suggestion #5 -- Pray for people who are sick.
Suggestion #6 -- Fight sickness by working for wellness.
Suggestion #7 -- Pay attention to the rules of good health.
Suggestion #8 -- Sometimes it is necessary to tell sick people the hard truth--kindly, but firmly.
Dealing with people who are sick can be very difficult, but the rules for coping are similar to dealing with the well, except for the need for strong doses of compassion, empathy, and caring. Perhaps our efforts will not be able to heal every sick person we meet, but we can do what we can to help.
# posted by JimmyO : 5:29 PM